At NPR studios with Nancy Wiegman, star of “Nancy’s Bookshelf” – and Fit Quickies talk! I’ll let you know when the program airs

Walked into Barnes and Noble yesterday cold yesterday, and wondered if I’d find her…Yes! Fit Quickies on the shelf!
Fit Quickies #1 Bestseller at Penguin/Alpha
Got a message from my publisher.
They tell me that Fit Quickies is #1 Best Seller for Penguin/Alpha Books on Amazon and Books -a – Million booksellers this week – not only for new releases, but all Penguin/Alpha books, and that includes the Complete Idiot’s Guides! I don’t know much about publishing, but I do know they were quite excited about it. I couldn’t wait to tell you.
AND I couldn’t wait to thank you for the amazing, enthusiastic support you have been through the whole Fit Quickies book creating process and beyond by snapping up your copy this week and in pre-orders.
YOU made the difference. I am deeply appreciative.
NPR Interview Recording
Here’s the link to the radio interview at the local NPR station:
From the program listing:
“Fit Quickies: 5-Minute Targeted Body-Shaping Workouts
More exciting news from Fit Quickies book release week

I was more than happy to sign all the copies of Fit Quickies in the Barnes and Noble store – of course!
Fit Quickies on the shelf at Barnes and Noble
Yesterday, a Friday thrill like none other when I walked in cold to Barnes and Noble and there was Fit Quickies on the shelf!
Of course the grabbed a pen and insisted that I sign each copy right away – and they started selling on the spot, Everyone at Barnes and Noble was lovely, apparently enamored of my unbridled enthusiasm unless, of course, they were just being polite.
Thank you everyone at Barnes and Noble, Chico, California on Friday February 8!
NPR Interview
After the fun at Barnes and Noble, it was on to the NPR station to be interviewed by Nancy Wiegman for the uber popular NPR show “Nancy’s Bookshelf”. This was SO much fun, and guess what? They are so thrilled with the interview and the book that they asked me if I would mind if, instead of airing the interview now, they instead air during the upcoming pledge week when they have high profile guests lined up to attract more listeners (Paula Poundstone for one). AND they want to give away some copies of the book as pledge prizes and have be back in the studio at the same time to answer questions live from callers! Does that sound like fun or what?

Sybil Janke is today’s cover on the Fit Quickie Gallery
Fit Quickies Gallery
The Fit Quickies Gallery is rapidly expanding as each day another person or two receives their book. Here is the link to the Fit Quickies Gallery on Pinterest (you’ll see it top row, center): Fit Quickies Gallery
I would LOVE to have your picture up too! All you need to is snap a picture of yourself with the book – lots of ways to do that, as you’ll see in the Gallery – and send it to me either on facebook or via email to lani@lanimuelrath.com.
‘Tweeted’ by John Robbins
My heart be still! Another delightful surprise on launch day was waking to see this on facebook and twitter from John Robbins
Amazon Reviews
Fit Quickies reviews have just opened up on Amazon and I am humbly grateful to everyone who has jumped in and shared their thoughts and responses. These mean the world to me! Thank you!
And if you’ve received your copy of Fit Quickies, please pop on over to reviews and leave your comments as soon as you have read your copy and get a chance. They mean a lot to any book at Amazon and I so appreciate your help.
As a matter of fact, when you put your review up I promise to do your next workout for you.
Click here to see and add to the Amazon Reviews
With deep appreciation to you – without whom this couldn’t have been done.

Lani, what exciting news about the NPR interview and most especially the bestseller status!!! Whoo-hoo! You so deserve this and I am so happy for you!
Still waiting very impatiently for my (pre-ordered)copy to arrive – Amazon tells me delivery by the 14th and I am ready, for sure.
Hope you are thoroughly enjoying this wonderful week.
Thank you! I’m glad you share the excitement and I so appreciate you stopping by to comment.
By the 14th? Sheesh, I hope it arrives sooner than that, especially as you pre-ordered! Go figure on their delivery schedule. Where are you located?
You must let me know the minute she arrives, and then we can get you in the Gallery! http://pinterest.com/lanimuelrath/fit-quickies-gallery/
I will for sure leave a pic in the Pinterest gallery as soon as the book arrives! I’m in Alabama so maybe the delivery trucks are just taking their sweet time 🙂
Thanks Teresa! You can also just upload to fb and I can put it in the gallery, as I don’t think you can post directly to a collection on someone else’s Pinterest page – or can you? I’m still limping along in social media!
good on you LANI, your hard work is paying off and everyone sure appreciates all you effort , time and hard work, cant wait to recieve my book, will read it all in one day i can tell you, anyway when you are bed bound you have the time , so counting down the days, cherrs Anna
Thanks Anna! Is your book on the way? I can’t wait for you to get your copy!
Just back home from Africa – to find my copy – in fact – I must have been so excited for a copy that I must have ordered more than once while waiting – I have two copies!! One to give away.
Congratulations! So please for all the praise and rewards you are getting not only for all your hard work, but for the great information and encouragement that you book will be to those who read.
Yay, she’s home!
Welcome back Karen. I’m so glad your book(s) arrived and can’t wait for your review and thoughts!
The real winner is the message – I’m just the messenger.
Talk soon, and thanks!
Lani, I’m very happy for you.
Hey Nancy! Did your book arrive yet?
It’s all about the message – happy times for all of us!