Habits, Sugar, and The Plant-Based Journey Program Notes

In this energetically fun and informative show, I am the honored guest of the effervescent Jill McKeever of Simple Daily Recipes.

Jill starts by sharing her favorite things about The Plant-Based Journey.


4 Steps to Habit Change

Jill and I dive into how to make habits stick, detailing four critical steps, presented in depth in The Plant-Based Journey, that must be in place:

  1. Awareness
  2. Intention
  3. Identify
  4. Practice

For more about these steps in an instance download, grab your free download of Four Steps to Halt Creeping Weight Gain and Feel Better in Your Clothes Today.

What about sugar, sugar?

Does sugar have a place in a whole foods plant-based diet?

Are we all hopeless sugar addicts, or is there another way?

Skype interviews don’t get any more fun than this! Jill and I would find it hard to run out of things to talk about.

You may recall Jill from my recent demonstration of her Beefless Beef Stew on the “Meaty Vegan Eats” segment on Plant-Based Journey TV on CBS.

Lots more video recipes from Jill on her Simple Daily Recipes YouTube Channel.

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