Solid, simple tactics with real food and movement of your body – and your mind – to put you in the health & weight winner’s circle come January. Part 3 of 10.
Food & fitness survival guide #3: Eat before you arrive!
Warning: Do not go to a celebration, event, party, buffet – whatever it is – with hunger in your belly.

Buffet madness: pouring sugar and fat over sugar and fat. Remember, it’s not your fault that this tugs at your taste buds – it’s that biochemical pleasure cycle hook that gets you interested. Arriving hungry just makes it worse.
Because guess what. One – or all – of the following may happen.
- you will be sorely tempted to eat all of the foods that are presented before you
- your judgement will waver
- you
maywill make a lot of decisions about what you put in your mouth that you regret
“Eat before you arrive” may sound like just good common sense. But it begs a reminder because I’m betting that somewhere in that beautiful brain of yours lurks the seed of the “I’ll just save up the calories for the party” mentality.
Now, has that ever turned out well for you?
The solution? See Holiday food & fitness survival guide #2/10: How eating keeps you thin
Just joining us? To catch up with the holiday food & fitness survival guide:
Part 1: “Be choosy”
Part 2: “How eating keeps you thin, aka stay well fed“
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Hi Lani – thanks – I do know that know this – deep in my heart and head (and belly) – and I’m so bad at doing it – I run around getting ready – shower, hair, make-up, lay out hubby’s clothes, lay out mine – and never seem to discipline myself to put something into my stomach. And that’s what it really is isn’t it – self-discipline.
Dianne – Think of it as self-care.
Lani, this tip goes right along with my concept of “cleaning before the cleaning lady arrives!” (Of course, the “cleaning lady” is my kids doing chores for a cash bonus, but the concept is the same!) My logic is this: I am not paying them to move my stuff around–I am paying for washing, dusting, vacuuming or whatever, right?
The same with eating before you go (party or restaurant). Why waste part of enjoying yourself on the discipline (self-care) that Dianne just mentioned? Feed yourself before you go so you can have more freedom to simply enjoy yourself at the party! That good food in your system will be like armor against the tempting but terrible treats!
Feed yourself before you go so you can have more freedom to simply enjoy yourself at the party! That good food in your system will be like armor against the tempting but terrible treats!
So eloquent! And you’ve bolstered everyone who has a party to attend tonight. And that would be me, too!
Thanks so much for dropping in with your wisdom.