Yes, she’s here kids! A new look for
Now, you’ve gotta tell me what YOU think.
And let me know if everything is working from your end, OK?
Can you navigate OK? Find what you need?
I promise to do your workout for you today when you leave your comments and feedback for me ;-).
And don’t be shy about telling me what you LOVE and that everything is working like a charm!
Just pop on down to “comments” below and let me know.
Thanks for your contribution and as always, love and success today to you!
P.S. To be honest, there are still many elements under transition. But I couldn’t wait to show you.

Wow Lani – this is great! At first I was concerned as I couldn’t find my “search for past articles based on area” – but it’s there! (Health/Fitness Topics). The look is modern and up to date, yet not overwhelming! Makes me want to join all over again!
I Likey! Especially with the right hand side showing upcoming teleseminars!
Paym, coolcoolcool and thanks so much for your response! And for your specifics about the search feature, too. Your info tells me that it IS used! I can put it in 2 ways – as a drop – down menu OR as a fully appearing list. What do you prefer? Please let me know.
Thanks again and I’m SO glad to get your feedback, it is important to me!
Nice! Very nice! It flows and is easy to navigate. Great new look. Congratulations. The graphic for “plant-strong” seems a little weak – think it’s the white outline. Love the organization of your articles in the lower half of the page. WTG! I likey a lot – too!
Laurie GREAT feedback and I’ll look into it. You think maybe bolder white – or dark green? Thanks! And are you referring to the double columns of recent articles? Yeah, I like that too.
Thanks – consider your workout for today DONE!
Howdy, howdy.
Lots of fabulous feedback. Also meant to tell you how much I like your 10 year history. Absolutely inspiring. The graphic element might be good as a solid green – something to play with – just my sense. Happy Sunday!
Thanks Laurie. That 10-year history seems to strike a chord and I don’t question why – who doesn’t want lasting success? So many of us have been around the block so many times when it comes to getting a grip on our weight that we hunger for lasting happiness and success with the whole thing.
As a matter of fact, this week I got some emails suggesting that I add to the photo history because now there are more years to add to it. After all, it is now 2011 which makes it 13 years since 1998! And the first picture wasn’t taken at my top weight, now I regret not having photos of THAT as well!
It looks fantastic… only thing I would change is to put the search feature higher up, I know I don’t like to have to keep scrolling to find something, so for me I prefer the search at the top of the sidebar.. Otherwise, it is wonderful. Lovely, bright colours, it’s cheerful…
Aran, muchas muchas gracias and I’m happy to read your comment about the search features because it means I’m not the only one using them! That’s important feedback.
So, I have the drop-down menus for categories, and I put up a search window too.
How does that work?
thanks again for the feedback and assist! Workout done!
Lani, I love it!!! It’s so full of life. Great colors, great movement, great text!!!
Karen, yay! I know – I love it too, I must admit! I wanted it to be a yummy place to hang out. Thanks so much for popping in and consider it credit for today’s workout!
Karen, really? Thanks, it means a lot to me that you commented. Consider your workout done!
love it! Very vibrant and “alive”.
Val – thanks so much! And believe it or not, I thought of YOU when bringing the green in more. 😉
Lani, it’s awesome!!! Very easy to navigate, to search, and to just spend time on. I agree with the suggestion about moving the search feature higher up on the right hand side. It sort of gets lost in the other stuff. I love the colors, the design, and the feel. And I am definitely going to check out your 10 year history in photos! I couldn’t find it before!!
Donna, thank you! I’m so glad you came by. I moved up the search feature, is it high enough? Glad you found that 10 year history. Yes, it’s true! I’ve been there baby…
I love the look of your website!!! Refreshing to look at and easy to find things. Fabulous job!!!! I will be visiting here often. 🙂
Sue, what a treat to see you hee and read your comment. Thank you! Workout DONE!
Congrats Lani – it looks great! I’m always in awe of your energy and enthusiasm – must be those Lani workouts and the plant-strong lifestyle. : – ) Lana
Ah Lana, your comment, what a treat! So, what workout do you want me to do for you today? xo
Hi Lani, I like it…it seems young and fresh…. I am reading on a tiny screen so it is fairly busy, but I can navigate pretty easily. Thumbs up!
Hi Julia! What is your tiny screen? Phone? Pad? Thanks for overcoming the obstacles, checking it out, and letting me know on the navigation – that is huge information and i appreciate! Are you back home now? Or still in the states?
Looks awesome! I can’t quite put my finger on why but I’m liking this much better.
Edith, thanks so much and your response tells me that the elements I sought to bring in and nail came together. I’m just glad you likey!
Love it, Lani! Much easier to read and navigate! Thanks
Jill, thank you so much for coming by and for sharing your thoughts! I appreciate it and glad you like!
Love it!!
It’s bright & fresh! The different segments are fun to flick through and colourful. Your banner at the top is great! Also having the fitness topics at the side is much easier & accessible.
Well done Lani!! You’ve worked hard for us again! <3 :*
You and your site are like a breath of fresh air!
I feel refreshed just looking at it, crisp, clean, direct and easy to follow.
Just like you and your passion toward helping others lead a healthy lifestyle. Your site cuts through the clutter and distraction to lead us back to the simple truths. You are a ROCK STAR in my world. I LOVE the photos illustrating your evolution!
Thanks for your positive influence,
Hi Anne! What lovely comments, thank you so much and I’m loving the ‘breath of fresh air’ of course!
Thanks for all YOU have done for me, too, oh instructor extraordinaire!
Great new site love the colors easy to navigate good organization love it !!!!!!
Donna, thank you and I’m so happy to see the positive report! I appreciate you stopping in to tell me.