The Fit Quickies™ Story…
Winging our way to scuba holiday at our favorite spot, I wondered how the “workout” schedule between dives would go – this time.
Sure, I always get plenty of exercise schlepping scuba tanks and swimming out to the reef. We do primarily walk-in dives, so I get some good cardio kick time going to and from the drop off – where the reef slopes away a short distance from the beach.
Yet as often as I have great intentions of keeping up with “workouts” for balancing muscle strength and shape, in this Caribbean getaway it’s just too darn HOT to “work out”. Can anyone say “temperature real feel of 107 degrees”? So my best laid plans usually sputter and fade a few days in.
This time, I decided to try something different.
Over the previous months, I had cultivated a short mental list of some of my body-sculpting favorites. Little challenges that I discovered I could do that allowed me to work deep into specific muscles for a fantastic body-shaping result, but WITHOUT the lengthy commitment of a workout and the sweat factor that comes with same.
So on this trip, every day (or two!) I’d pull 2 – 3 of these moves out of my hat. Some I could do plopped down on the floor, watching the palms sway a few feet away. Some I could do with the assist of the kitchen counter while waiting for the morning java to press. Heck, some I could do anchored against the side of our dive truck while waiting for my dive buddy to finish loading his gear.

The 'original' Fit Quickies™ were in audio format only. Now, you also get videos and transcripts with your Fit Quickies™
The effect was brilliant!
Not only did I keep my shape, I felt GREAT by adding these in (I love the feel and instant “tighten up” effect of isolated, targeted muscle overload).
Gee Lani, I thought, these you could take anywhere easily and toss them into all kinds of situations.
Little bits of fitness.
Thus, “Fit Quickies” was born!
Yes, while paddling beneath the waves with my fine-bubbled fish friends on the last day of diving, the idea hit me like a tsunami and as soon as we hit dry land, I was jotting down quick names for my favorite quickies – even combining them into effective packages – because I KNEW this was going to be something other women would love.
I’d focus on those areas of the body that are most neglected yet also responsible for giving us great shape and a graceful stride: Abs, triceps, inner thighs, gluteals and hamstrings, thighs. They’re all in there.
And I’d make it easy for them by creating little audios to load onto ipods or mp3 players so all they had to do was follow along. Practice Tracks. I’d save the bigger chunk of specific instructions for another audio. That quickly became the Tutorial Tracks.
Here’s what it would look like:
1) You pick your Fit Quickie
2) You download the 2 tracks that come with it: the Tutorial Track and the Practice Track
3) You listen to the Tutorial for clear instructions about practice.
4) You play the Practice Track and….practice!
There you have it!
- You can play any track again, if you’d like to do additional reps
- You can refer to the Tutorial Track at any time to hone your skills and build mastery
- You can pepper these in throughout the day as instant invigorators – and by day’s end, you have completed a full workout!
- You can pick the Fit Quickies that best match your targeted body shaping concerns and mix them in with your other workouts
- And you have multiple tools for keeping up with your body-shaping ideals when life throws you an offbeat schedule. Such as a crazy week. A holiday travel opportunity.
- You create a full workout by stringing all the Fit Quickies together. Mix ’em up to keep the challenge changing.
Fit Quickie #1: An obvious choice!
My video “7 Seconds to a Flat Belly” became the perfect starting point for Fit Quickies.
After all, it is DONE in under 5 minutes, is enormously effective (of course I do this one myself!), and to date has had over 53,000 hits on You Tube with many email inquiries to match. It’s been the key point in more than one Booty Camp.
It’s a no brainer.
Flash Forward to Fit Quickies™ Present
The Fit Quickies™ collection has now grown and deepened. Even though it started with my idea for quick audio tracks, I kept getting more urgent ‘demands’ for video.
I’m not complaining – I love the feedback and I love that you are digging these body-shaping fitness nuggets!
Today the Fit Quickies™ Collection includes:
- 10 Fit Quickies™
- Each Fit Quickie now comes with 6 instructional pieces:
- audio tutorial
- audio practice
- video tutorial
- video practice
- transcript of the audio tutorial
- transcript of the audio practice
- The Fit Quickies™ Express 50 audio, a 50 minute track with Fit Quickies™ # 1 – 8
- They can be downloaded one at a time, 2 at a time, or any combination of the 10 that you choose, OR
- They can be downloaded as a package with all tracks of all 10 Fit Quickies™ including the Fit Quickies Express 50 track
- They are all set to MUSIC which is a proved motivator when it comes to working out. Research demonstrates that when we work out to music, we work out harder than what our perceived exertion levels tell us. What does that mean for you? You push harder and get more out of your workout time investment even though it feels more fun!
There you have it! You can see the entire Fit Quickies™ collection, including snapshots from the video, muscles worked with each, and why they are important muscles to challenge on the Fit Quickies™ page here: the Fit Quickies™ Collection.

It’s interesting to see how the concept has grown over time and your story is fun to read. I’m looking through the page to see which ones I want to get, heck I might just go for the whole package. How long is your current sale running?
Thanks for posting this! Motivated!
Hey Shelli, thanks! It is fun to see how it has morphed over time – though the original Fit Quickies exercises stay intact, the delivery has become enhanced.
The sale is good through midnight Wednesday the 16th – a way to kickstart fitness into the busy holidays.
Hint: Be sure to use the discount coupon code in the email I sent – and be sure to let me know if you didn’t get it first mailing! Many people have signed up for my newsletter since the coupon code was sent out just yesterday.
Thanks for your post Shelli!
Hi Lani–I have a question about the FitQuickies, and I feel particularly tech-challenged asking it, but here goes: The picture of the FItQuickies package seems to indicate that they DO come on a DVD. But your verbal description sound like the videos are downloaded to a computer or other device.
I really prefer exercising at my TV and not by my laptop. Can I get the Fit Quickies on DVDs?
Hey Cloudy!
Yes, these are easily burnable to DVD and according to the heap of messages I’ve received with excited reviews of the Fit Quickies, many people are doing just that. It seems to be a mix of those who download to ipad, upload to ipod, burn to DVD or save to a computer file.
What’s cool is you can jump around on your DVD to mix up the order or selection of Fit Quickies that you like. You can also create specific routines in particular orders and burn them to different DVDs for different workouts – these are as versatile as I’d envisioned and it just keeps getting better! I’m putting together articles about different FQ routines to give more ideas for how to mix and match ’em – sound good? Let me know what kind of combos you’d like so I can address that!
Let me know if any other questions and thanks!
All are downloadable – that’s why I have the verbal descriptions as well as the graphic with the word ‘downloadable’ in it.
Thanks for the quick reply! So if I understand correctly, I need to burn them to DVDs myself. I will let you know what combos I’d like to see–I am looking forward to getting started pretty soon!
Yes, you just burn them to DVDs yourself. I’ve done that myself and it works like a charm for these. Do you have any of the Fit Quickie collection yet? Interested to see what combos you’d like!
No, not yet. I’m not home for long on weekdays, and my weekends have been really busy. That’s why I need the quickies, I know! But I need to rummage in my husband’s office for DVDs to burn, and that hasn’t happened yet.
I want to firm my belly*, strengthen my thighs, trim my calves if that is at all possible (I’ve always had big calves), and firm my seat (which used to be huge, but now that I’ve lost 97 pounds is flat and rather saggy!), for a start. And I need to work on my balance, which seems to have left me a few years back!!
*I have done the belly-firming quickie, but not regularly enough to have incorporated it into my life.
Cloudy –
Thighs: Fit Quickie 6, Thigh Warriors;
Seat: Put these 4 together for amazing results. These are what I use and I ALWAYS had a flat seat. Now you can see the difference in my video snapshots AND in my jeans. And it feels really good too – I can feel the difference in energy and stride. You can add them to any other workouts you are doing and also created a Mini workout with them on their own:
~ #4, Gorgeous Glutes and Hams
~ Standup Seat #9
~ Hot Seat #8
~ Topless Muffins #4
I like to warm up wit #10, Leg Plays
You are probably genetically programmed to have larger calf muscles. If you are losing weight, then body fat will trim from all over and they will become more slender looking due to that, but your genes are your genes so you can impact them with lighter resistance yet they may be much the way they are – treasure them!