Can you envision your body ideal? Your deepest dreams and aspirations for success of your health, your fitness…your life?
Being able to do so has a powerful impact on your success. More than powerful. Amazingly, it opens up doors to opportunity that we may not even have noticed before.
This is why Vision is such an important piece in the tools for transformation of the Woman’s Fitness Blueprint: An Action Plan for Success program. The Fall 2010 session just wrapped. Yesterday, I spoke with Lillian. who was part of that group. Here is an excerpt from our conversation about the power of vision for transformation and change.
Lani: Lillian, would you name two to three specific results or benefits you experienced from being part of this latest session of the Woman’s Fitness BluePrint Action Plan for Success?
Lillian: Yes! The vision instruction and process come to mind right away. This really helped me to stay on my food plan. It helped me to look at the self-sabotage issue and self-talk.
Lani: This is wonderful news! Can you tell me more about that?
Lillian: Using the vision of how we want to see ourselves several times a day made a huge difference. I’ve tried this technique before, but this time it was really different,. It had a very different effect.
Lani: How do you think it did that, Lillian? Did it make you more mindful of where you might get in your own way, or did it just make good choices flow more easily?
Lillian: It made good choices flow much more easily. The vision really helped me cement what my goals need to be. Also, the exercises you had us do that took us from the negative self-talk to the positive had a very strong influence.
Lani: You said earlier this all helped you with your food plan. What have been your results from implementing the food plan?
Lillian: I’ve lost 7 pounds. I’m excited about continuing this progress with your Booty Camp in November because it’s really made a difference.
Lani: I’m thrilled that you’ll be on the Booty Camp team too, Lillian. Your progress is wonderful, no wonder you are excited!
My sincere thanks to Lillian, for investing in herself, and now enjoying the success. And for inviting me to share your success with others.
How about you? What is your vision for your fitness and making changes for the better when it comes to your body?
Please leave your comments below with your ideas and thoughts about Lillian’s story.

Lillian, thank you so much for sharing this on Lani’s blog. It is very inspiring to me and has given me a lot to think about. I really like the way you talk about things coming more easily. Congratulations and thanks Lani for posting this!
Lise, all appreciation to Lillian for inviting me to post our conversation! Hearing it from someone who’s been through an amazing shift of experience is always an inspiration, and I’m grateful to be able to share with you.
Thanks for your comments!
Congratulations on your success and progress Lillian! Sharing your story is an inspiration to the rest of us. Thank you for taking the time to do that.
Congratulations, Lillian! So great to hear the wonderful results you had during WFB!! Wow!
Gotta jump in here and thank Lillian again for going public with this experience. It sounds like a little thing, but the effects are quite profound.
Lillian – I realy needed to hear how someone used the vision process to help your eating plan. Right now, although I have been a Lani follower and WFB plan participant, I am having difficulty with my eating – and allowing sabotage!! Your honestly has prompted me to go back and revisit the vision process and adapt for my eating!
Thank you for sharing – it certainly helps me!
We’ve all heard “You are what you eat.” Now we can add “You are what you envision.” A powerful concept.