When Sabrina Nelson was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease called “relapsing polychondritis”,  things only got worse for her imagesby taking powerful steroids and other drugs.

Then one day she read Dr. John McDougall’s work. She learned the information that Dr. McDougall teaches, such as the nutrition information  in this video.

Even though already a vegetarian, when Sabrina removed milk from her diet,  her autoimmune disease quickly went into remission.  That was over 15 years ago, and Sabrina, co-fouder of VegSource, is still in remission.

Watch this short excerpt from a longer presentation regarding dairy, animal protein, casein, your diet, and autoimmune disease.

For more on dairy, click HERE:  Perils of Dairy

For more on autoimmune disease and diet, click HERE:  Overcoming rheumatoid arthritis with diet: Phyllis Heaphy’s story

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