We have a winner!
The winner of the Fit Quickies Book Trailer Premiere, with four out of four right and luck on the drawing out of the hat is Dr. Connie Sanchez, N.D.
1) Exercises in the video? 4
2) Yeson faceook follow
3) Yes on twitter follow
4) Yes on Pinterest!
Congratulations Connie and be sure to send me your address so I can send you a Fit Quickies book asap!
Thank you to everyone who entered, for your enthusiasm, kind words, support, and sense of fun. You ROCK!
The Official Fit Quickies Book Trailer is ready! She crossed the finish line in advance of my new website being ready and I just couldn’t wait to show you.
And in the spirit of the season, giving gifts and all that, let’s make it interesting with a book giveaway contest that is so easy to enter you can practically do it in your sleep. Of course, you must be awake to watch the video!
Quadruple your chances to win! 24 hours opportunity.
To have your name entered in the book giveaway, in replies below OR on my facebook page. The more items you check off on this list, the more times your name is entered in the hat for the drawing.
1) Tell how many exercise position images from the book are included in the book trailer (1 entry). Hint: the picture on the book cover doesn’t count.
2) Like my fan page on facebook (1 entry)
3) Follow me on twitter (1 entry)
4) Follow me on Pinterest (1 entry)
Each entry is actually an opportunity to have your name entered into the Fit Quickies Book Drawing. Complete all 4 tasks, an instant four entries!
But don’t forget to tell me about it! Scroll down to the comments area and address all four. Here is an example:
1) Fit Quickies exercises images are in the video: 2
2) facebook: In! ( or “Don’t have facebook account” if you don’t have a fb account)
3) twitter: In!, (or “No twitter here” if you aren’t on twitter)
4) Pinterest: Done!
Ready to play?
I hope you like the video!
P.S. This is a 24-hour opportunity. Contest closes officially at 8:00 a.m. Pacific Time on Wednesday, December 19, 2012.
P.P.S. Have you snapped up your book pre-order gift yet? Click here for all the delish details.

Awesome! I love the video!
Enter me in the contest pls!
1) 4 exercise snapshots
2) Done! I clicked ‘like on your facebook page
3) I’m already following you on twitter
4) Pinterest – done! Just started a page of my own and followed you. Great page by the way! I got sidetracked with the “better backs” section you’ve got.
Does this give me four entries?
Well, 3 out of 4 because I can’t give away the correct answer to question number one, right?
Thanks for your entry and I love that you jumped right in to play along. If you do have the right answer to #1, then you’ll be 4 for 4!
1) I also counted 4 exercise shots from the book (though one was more of a “stretch”
2) Don’t have Facebook account
3) No Twitter here
4) Haven’t done Pinterest yet (but I may put that one on my list for 2013)
Thanks for doing the book! I’m hoping to get my teen interested as well.
Great Lani – thanks for the opportunity to win. Passing your message to all !
Thanks Connie – I so appreciate you passing the word out on this one! Networking is where it’s at and thanks for sharing the wealth.
1) 4 exercise snapshots
2) Done! I clicked ‘like on your facebook page
3) following you on twitter
4) Pinterest – done!
Thanks Connie – looks like a match for my ‘sampler’ entry, how convenient!
Cheers and good luck!
4 exercise images…can’t wait to get my copy!
Hey Melanie!
Thanks for your entry. Does this mean if you win this will be a second copy for you?
More of everything!
Merry fitness,
Awe man! I’m in the middle of moving and don’t have cable internet set up yet so I won’t be able to watch the video till after the contest (phone won’t support it). Of course I could cheat by reading the other comments and say 4, but I already told you the truth. 😉
The only one I was able to do was facebook, I don’t have a twitter or pinterest account.
I LOVE this – that you are entering even if you can’t yet watch the video!
You’re my kind of happy fit buddy and you definitely get a card in the hat for coming by and popping in with your comments. Thanks for joining me at fb too – I am really late to the game on fb and yet have found some great communities of which to be a part and other adventurers on the plant-based fitness trail as well.
Good luck with the move! Where are you moving from and to, if I might ask?
From Orlando, FL to Maryland. Hagerstown, MD temporarily, till we find a place to buy, or land to build on closer to DC area. Super excited, better job opportunities and I want to start volunteering at PCRM.
And produce is WAY CHEAPER up here!!! (Eveerything else is more expensive tho, haha.)
Produce is cheapter in Maryland?
By the way, we were in Maryland and DC late summer and LOVED it! We were in the Shenendhoah forest, hiking the Potomac, went to the capitol – well, here’s video of our journey if you want to see:
Anywhere near where you’ll be?
And you’re going to volunteer at PCRM? Excellent! Tell me more about that once you get settled in, OK? I can introduce you to Jill and Susan my PCRM buds!
Yep, walked thru some groceries last night and produce is cheaper here than FL.
I’m a little north of where you were for your visit. Great video too, my phone let me watch it (in patches as it had to refresh a lot). Just reminds me that I’m going to be a tourist the first few years I live here. Got to add that hike to the list. And I LOVE caving. Used to do that with my dad up in WA state.
And yes, I read on PCRMs website that they have volunteer opportunities. Don’t know what that entails but I would love to be a piece in their wonderful organization. One of the first things I intended to look into, after unpacking and finding a job (small details), so I will definately contact you when I’m ready to start.
1) Fit Quickies exercises images are in the video: 4
2) Like’d you on facebook: Done!
3) Follow you on twitter: Done!
4) Follow you on Pinterest: Done!
I hope I win!!!
Hi Shari! Thanks for your great spirits today!
4 including the posture pose
already liked on FB
I don’t use twitter or pinterest.
can’t wait to get my copies!!
Hey Cheryl!
Well done! What do you mean by “posture pose?” I think I know but curious!
Thanks for all your amazing support and may we meet in Portland, 2013!
Ah… I put in the ‘posture pose’ too lol There were 3 forms shown during the 5-minute workouts segment. Then a little further on, you mention great posture, and there’s another form. That’s what I meant – probably what she meant also. 🙂
OK! In the contest language we say ” exercise images” so the “form” one counts!
Thanks Brandie!
1) 4 exercise snapshots
2) Liked your facebook page
3) following you on Twitter
4) following you on Pinterest
Yea! I’m an E2Xer. Would love to see (hear) and interview with you there.
Hey Kathy! Thanks for your entry and I’d love to do something at E2X with you! Happy to set up an interview, just give me a holler.
Hello Lani!
I’ve liked your Facebook page, followed your on Twitter (I’m psyckoprincess), followed you on Pinterest, AND… there are 3 ‘exercise’ forms, plus 1 on ‘posture’. Did you want that posture one too? Then there’s 4. 🙂 Otherwise, there’s 3!
Congratulations on the progress of your site, and on your book. Thank you for sharing it with us. 🙂
Hey Brandie! Answered you further down – ‘exercise position’ means a stretch, too, so you’re in!
Oh, and Brandie, thank you for your kind words and thoughts – it means a lot and it’s all so much more fun when shared!
1) 4 exercise snapshots
2) already like you on FB
3) already follow you on Twitter
4) already follow you on Pinterest
(does this make me a stalker?)
Hey Joyce! You are sooo cute! No, it makes you a healthy happy and fit buddy of the best kind.
1) 4 exercise snapshots
2) Liked on Facebook
3) No Twitter account
4) Followed on Pinterest
Hey Stacie! Thanks so much!
Good luck,
1. 4
2. Don’t have facebook account
3. No Twitter here
4. No pinterest either! 🙁
Thanks Margaret for joining in the fun here today!
1) Fit Quickies exercises images are in the video: 4
2) facebook: In!
3) twitter: In!
4) Pinterest: Done!
Thanks for the chance to win!!
Garilyn, woohoo! You GO! Thanks for your enthusiastic entry!
Hi Lani!
What a super great video – you just glow with good health and fitness and always seem so at peace. I love that.
I counted 4 exercise poses on the video – and I am heading over to Pinterest to follow you there (I think I already do, but if not, I will be now!)
I don’t do twitter or facebook, though.
Thank you for this awesome giveaway! I already have your book pre-ordered, but if I win one it is going straight to my mom!
OK you’ve made my morning there. Health, fitness, AND peace? I do aspire to all of that and thank you, I’m so glad you like the video!
And thanks also for the book pre-order, that is awesome and I love that you are thinking of Mom, too!
Hi and good morning!
There are 4 exercise photos
I LIKE you on Facebook
I am following you on Pinterest
I don’t twitter. : (
3 out of four is pretty good!
Your book looks great!
Hi Lorna!
I’ll say, 3 out of four is awesome! I’m thrilled that you like the way things are looking for this book. I’m so excited to get it into your hands!
I watched the video 2x really liked it but I kept coming up with 5 exercise positions and i was not counting the cover. maybe I am not awake to count. I do not do facebook or twitter so guess that is out. good luck with the book
Christine –
Can you name or describe or tell the time in the video of 5 positions? Really! If you have a minute I want to know what you’re seeing!
Hi Lani, enjoyed the video trailer! What a nice giveaway!
1) 4 exercise poses
2) No Facebook account
3) no Pinterest account
4). Don’t use twitter
Carol, I am sooo glad you liked it. I love getting the feedback – for better or for worse! And happy that it’s for the ‘better’ ;-).
Lani, you’re so cute! I like the video trailer– it’s fun to put a live face and voice to your written voice 🙂 This looks like a great book.
1. 3 fit quickie poses (+1 sitting posture)
2. Already following on facebook
–no pinterest or twitter
Wonderful to read your comments and thank you! That’s what I figured – why not make a video to introduce the book and add some real person dimension to it? I’ve also made a new welcome video for the new website so that will be up soon.
Happy fit holidays!
1. 4 images (I got so into the video that I forgot to count and had to watch it a 2nd time!)
2. and 4. no FB or Pinterest
3. done!
Oh my Cynthia – I LOVE that – so into the video you had to watch it again? Woohoo, that’ll keep me going for a week!
1. 4
2. don’t do
3. don’t do
4. don’t do
And congrats! It AND you are beautiful. Fabulous job. I flippin’ can’t wait!
Nancy! I’m so glad you like the video. Isn’t the red shirt amazing? I tell you, it’s the star of the show and helps carry me!
Thanks so much Nancy!
1) Fit Quickies exercises images are in the video: 4
2) facebook: In! Liked… Would have Loved if they had the button:)
3) twitter: No twitter here:(
4) Pinterest: Done!
Did I read that correctly? “Loved” if they had the button! I love it! Thanks for your spirited enthusiasm Dorcas!
1. 4 positions
2. Like your FB page. (I’ve already like you before this contest)
3. Follow on Pinterest
4. I don’t have a Twitter account
Congratulations on your book release. I wish you great success!
Debby, thank you SO much for your heartfelt wishes. I am honored!
Hi Lani!
I would LOVE the chance to win a copy of your new and super exciting new book!
The number of fabulous Fit Quickies exercise images in the video are 4 🙂
Facebook – Done!
Twitter – Done!
Pinterest – Done!
All my pleasure 🙂
Happy to spread the word, everyone should have your fantabulous Fit Quickies in their library!
Have a great day, a Merry Christmas and an outstanding 2013!!! 🙂
What good holiday cheer and I’m proud to be a fellow fitness person with you. Thanks for spreading the word – it’s good for all of us, as teaming up is what advanced health and fitness everywhere.
Thank you!
Hi Lani.
the book looks great!
I found 4 exercise poses.
I liked you on FB a long time ago 🙂
I’m following you on Pinterest
I don’t do Twitter
but I’d love to enter the contest for a chance to win!
Hey Fran! Consider yourself entered and thank you so so much for playing along!
Love the video!
4 excersize poses
Liked you on fb
following on twitter
don’t have pinterest
Thank you for the opportunity to win a book!
Hi Tandi! Thanks for letting me know you liked it! I appreciate!
IN for the contest!
4 images
No facebook
No twitter
No pinterest
What a trailer!
Thanks Tannis! I take it you approve!
Hi Lani,
Looking forward to the book.
* there are 4 exercise positions
You GO Sue! All star entry!
Thanks so much,
1) 4 exercise images
2) No Facebook account
3) No twitter account
4) Pinterest-Done
Hey AJ – excellent, thanks!
Hi, I’m new to your blog.
I see 4 exercise positions;
I don’t have Facebook;
I don’t have Tweeter;
I don’t have Pinerest;
but I’m subscribed to your blog 🙂
Thanks! P.S. It would be awesome to have closed captioned on any of your videos as well as any videos/talking conversation podcasts you make for deaf people like me trying to get fit and stay healthy.
Hi HC!
You are absolutely right about the cc. I wonder how to go about doing that. I just shot several videos for the Fit Quickie college course and we are having those close-captioned via state agencies as it is the law. Do you know how to go about doing that for videos such as this? If you’re in the know, please let me know!
Also – I plan to put up the text of the video so you can read it, too. I should have it available soon but feel free to write me so that you are certain not to miss it!
1) 4 exercise snapshots
2) Done! I clicked ‘like on your facebook page
3) Don’t have a twitter account 🙁
4) Pinterest – done!
Woohoo! Cool Cheryl.
Thank you so much for coming in today and taking the time to fb and Pinterest, too!
wonderful! I love to see healthy mature people, encouraging those of us ‘over the hill’ to not give up on fitness!
1) 4 Exercise snapshots
2) Liked on FB
3) Following…
4) Don’t have pinterest acct. 🙁
Thanks Dena!
You know, one of the things my publisher really likes about this book is that it isn’t in the trendy “Insanity workouts” genre and I’m not 30. And the 5 minutes. And the safe and effective. And the diet-mindset piece. Win win win !
Merry fitness to you!
Hi Lani – I love that top you’re wearing in the video, talk about showing the perfect figure your fork has carved – I love, love, love that expression so I’m going to “borrow” it – another tip for me to remember!!! Ok – here’s my entry:
1) 4 exercise positions
2) sorry not on facebook
3) sorry not on twitter
4) sorry not on pinterest
So excited for you and so proud that that your hair looks the same mix I have going !!
Hi Dianne!
Glad you like my soundbite! It’s a good one, if I do say so myself! And thanks for the compliments on the top – I know! It makes the show! I got one in royal blue, too…so maybe for a future video? The necklace is the cameo my mom wore at her wedding – and I at mine. I don’t have much jewelry, but this one seemed like the perfect match. Glad you approve of all!
1. 4 Fit Quickies exercises images
2. I liked you on FB a while back.
3. Twitter – following
4. Pinterest – done
Keep up the great work!
Martha – thank you! Consider yourself entered!
4 exercise poses
Liked you on facebook
Can’t remember my Twitter info and I’m on vacation and can’t look it up! LOL!!!
Don’t have a Pinterest, oh well….
Hey Angela. Thanks for joining in the fun while on holiday! You go!
Lani congratulations!
4 Fit Quickies exercise images are in the video
Don’t have FB
Don’t have Twitter
Don’t have Pinterest…….but I’m no quitter!
I can see clearly my AFTER that my ‘fork will carve’; here we go~
Hi Nancy! Thanks so much. Glad you like the ‘fork’ thing too!
1. 4 Fit Quickies exercises images.
2. I don’t have a FB account.
3. I don’t tweet.
4. I don’t even know how to Pinterest something.
I’m so glad to hear you got your book coming along so quickly, I’m going to ask the health & wellness committee at my work to look into your fit quickies, to see if they want to learn how to incorporate that into our daily office life!
You are so funny – “I don’t even know how to….” Believe me, you are not alone! I think that actually most of my readers do not engage in social media, though that is changing. I myself was drawn in kicking and screaming but I must admit the reach of the plant-based fitness message is so much further for me by hooking up with fb and pinterest. Twitter is still such a foreign language to me. One thing at a time!
Now, we have to connect about your idea. Please send me an email about this pronto!
Hi Lani – can’t wait to see the new website! Soooooo excited for you!!!
1) 4 – but that last one to me is NOT a position of fitness but torture 🙂
2) sorry, my fb is just an empty shell, don’t use
3) same for twitter
4) alright, alright – I joined pininterest so I could follow you.
Off now to order book!
Hi Paym!
Really, you joined Pinterest today? How adorable!
Which ‘last one” is torture? Oh dear!
So great to hear from you. And by the way Fit Quickies is also on Amazon.ca if that works better for you!
1) 4
2) facebook check, or “in”
3) no twitter account
4) don’t use my pinterest account
Hey Rachelle – thanks so much for joining in!
1) exercise poses 4
2) facebook liked about a week ago
3) yes to twitter
4) I think I am following you on pinterest, used the link and the page comes up weird and then I tried other ways to log on to pinterest and it also displays the page weird, one part says I am following you and then below says I have reported you. At this point I am totally confused, I even tried different browsers. I am really praying for wining this book since I only have about 5 minutes a day to exercise if I am lucky
Hi Lakshmi!
Interesting Pinterest story! Maybe when you computer cache gets cleared up so will the problem. At any rate, thanks for joining in with today’s venture!
1. 4
2. yes to facebook
3. yes to twitter
Thank you! Hope to win! Love to hear you on E2X as well if that happens in the future.
Hi Tracy,
Yay, you’re in! Thanks for the invite to E2X, tell ’em to give me a holler!
Ooops, realized I put my entry into “reply” by accident. Hope it still counts….
Got it Heidi! You’re in!
Thank for checking,
Loved the video – the concept of the 3 pillars is great!
4 exercise poses
I don’t do twitter, but Yes for Facebook and Pinterest!
And I LOVE contests with such wonderful prizes 🙂 thanks for sharing. I’m excited about your book…sounds like a great help to a mom of little ones.
Merry Christmas!
Yay! So glad i’ve ordered a copy! Busting for next year when it will arrive!
Love the video!
Thank you Sandy! So glad you like the video.