Solid, simple tactics with real food and movement of your body – and your mind – to put you in the health & weight winner’s circle come January. Part 9 of 10: “Reach beyond the cookie tray.”
Reach beyond the cookie tray.
Each choice we make every day is either based in seeking pleasure or avoiding pain.
Somehow that cookie tray and the fudge platter present themselves to us as such sources of such pleasure that we forget the pain that is right behind them.
I’m going to ask you to reach beyond the tray of goodies to the pleasure that is beyond by delaying that gratification.
And turn your focus to what it feels like to wake up every morning feeling:
- well ‘digested’
- trim, fit, and great in your favorite jeans.
Reach beyond that tray to your better, higher choice.
Remember the lessons of Holiday Survival Tip #1: “Be Choosy”. Reaching beyond the cookie tray doesn’t mean you never get to have cookies or fudge again. Of course not.
Yet it is too easy to make the exception over and over again and start that slippery slide into 5 extra lbs.
Instead of thinking not about what you are ‘giving up’ by ‘being choosy’, cultivate the excitement and joy about what you are getting: A beautiful, shapely, healthy, energetic body, brimming with physical confidence.
Just joining us? To catch up with the holiday food & fitness survival guide:
Part 1: “Be choosy”
Part 2: “How eating keeps you thin, aka stay well fed
Part 3: “Eat BEFORE you arrive“
Part 4: ‘What you have is what you’ll eat”
Part 5: “How to handle food pushers: Holiday food & fitness survival guide”
Part 6: Eat a high fiber, slow-burn breakfast: Holiday food & fitness survival tip # 6/10
Part 7: Follow the 50/50 rule for vegetables and fruits: Holiday food & fitness survival tip # 7/10
Part 8: 4 reasons to exercise with vigor every day: Holiday food & survival tip # 8/10
Have you ‘reached beyond’ something on the cookie tray this week? Share below in comments and inspire!
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OK Lani, your post today gave me the guts to avoid the staff room and the crazy cookie display all day today. And I am SO much better off for it!
thank you, thank you for being there at such a critical juncture!
Shelli, fantastic! I love that you cam by to tell me about it. Doesn’t it feel amazing? It seems like a small thing, but really it is all the small things together that make the big stuff.
Good for you. You’re my hero today!