On the road. We’re walking and adventuring every day, yet I crave that muscle challenge from a quick focused workout that keeps me energized, my posture in line, and my bum lifted.
Here’s what I just completed out on the balcony with no special tools but my body and the veranda rail to assist:
1) Fit Quickie #9, Leg Plays
2) Isometric plie squats
3) Full body pushups (for 15), then right into pushups on knees (for 10)
4) Split lunges (15 each side)
5) Tricep dips on the floor(a5)
6) Split lunges (15 each side)
Fit Quickies
7) Fit Quickie #2, Inner Thigh Squeeze and Tease
8) Fit Quickie #4, Gorgeous Glutes and Hamstrings (standing variation – heck, the deck is marble tile too hard to ‘knee’ it!)
9) Fit Quickie #5, Topless Muffins (standing variation)
10) Fit Quickie #6, Thigh Warriors
There you have it! 25 minutes. Everything in: Core, legs, inner thighs, seat, arms, upper body. Stretches come with the Fit Quickies. But you knew that.
Feel free to use my mashup in your own go-anywhere workout today.
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It IS a mindset ~ Fit quickies are the go everywhere, anytime type of exercise. You can easily #1 in the bathroom at the airport, #3 anyplace you sit down! Floor ones might look a bit awkward at the airport, but, hey! No equipment to lug around, no videos to take. I LUVE ME my fit Quickies!!
Grayce – honest, I do #9 standing in line to get on airplanes. It’s such a tiny move and so focused that I can get everything in my back side revved up and no one even notices!