San Francisco’s great-bodies golden girl, Burr Leonard of Bar Method fame, has just released 2 new DVDs.
For at home workouts these 2 will absolutely anchor your collection..
I’m a BIG Bar Method fan and do Bar Method workouts about twice a week. Plus, I am a targeted body shaping addict and Bar Method allows me to indulge my passion for this.
Combined with squeezing in my Fit Quickies several times a week, I’ve got all I need for making big changes in my body shape that are just getting better.
If you are not familiar with Bar Method, it is a no-nonsense technique that integrates interval training with isometrics and stretching into its sequence.
It meets my essential requirement of being grounded in physical therapy for a body that not only looks extraordinary yet moves also with grace and ease.
Tried and true Bar Method sequence
On her new DVDs, Burr Leonard follows the tried and true sequence of instruction that begins with upper body and progresses into thigh and seat, then abs, with a finish of seat work and stretch on the floor.
Both of these new DVDs are excellent. I’m partial to Super Sculpting 1 because it’s got pretzel in it, one of my favorite all-time moves for shaping in the, ahem, ‘backyard’. There are something like 100 counts of pretzel on each side which is just fine with me!
Burr pulls out a whole new set of challenges with the abdominal work. I actually like the ab sequence in Super Sculpting 1 better than any other Bar Method ab sequence I’ve seen on Burr’s DVDs.
Super Sulpting 1 and 2 utilize different casts and there are both women and men in each. Alternating these DVDs or mixing them up with your others in your rotation works extremely well. They are each about an hour in length.
Finally, I can’t let you go without making a comment on Burr’s instruction
I am very glad to see Burr as instructor in both of these new DVDs because she has the rare quality of being able to be fully present with powerful instruction without becoming annoying after a few playthroughs.
You know how that is? Some DVD instructors just start to get on your nerves, either because of their over-the-top energy or cutesy comments.
It doesn’t happen with Burr and for that, Burr, I thank you once again.
You can pick up the new BM DVDs at a Bar Method studio or online at the Bar Method website.
Bar Method fan? Have you tried the new Super Sculpting DVDs? Tell me about it in comments below!
And if you’re not getting me weekly tips, news, and insider info then pop right into FREE STUFF and snap up your copy!

Hi Lani,
Glad you like the new DVDs, I absolutely love them! I had been rotating Change Your Body, Accelerated, Beginners and Dancer’s Body since January and adding those 2 into the mix really took me to a complete new level. When I first received them, I did them 3 times a week for a couple of weeks to really get to grip with them. The result: I definitely feel stronger and dare I say that my backside looks pretty good! The added bonus: I’m now rotating all 6 DVDs and I feel like I’m now pushing even harder on the other 4 workouts (I think that I had become a bit “lazy” with those and didn’t actually push my body to its max).
Burr is such a great instructor and always full of encouragement, you feel like you owe it to her to finish all the reps. Absolutely love her “Kaboom” during seat work in SSII!!
Definitely worth the investment!
Solene, sounds like an amazing rotation you’ve put together. I can see you are a targeted body-sculpting addict as I am! Thanks for sharing all the details!
I am debating on wether to buy the new DVD. I need to lose a considerable amount of weight and I used to dance. I’m wondering if this dvd will help with weight loss? or if I should look at something else
It depends on where you are right now and what workouts you are doing. Are you familiar with Bar Method? It sounds like it – if so, you can always work your way up to repetitions.
Challenging exercise helps with maintaining and building muscle, important to long term weight management and a whole slew of other concerns. Weight loss itself is largely a function of nutrition, which simple guidelines put into place can help you achieve. Lots of insights and inspirations in Testimonials Let me know what other assist I can give you to realize your body shaping dreams!
Hello I have been doing the change your body dvd since mid febuary and I love it I am addicted and have seen tremendous results I am wondering if I am ready to move up to SS1 and 2?
Shannon, yes! It’s good to get variety in your workouts – the best way to keep muscle happening. So even if you can’t do all reps – which is actually a good way to push yourself – you can work your way up. And if you have any of the Fit Quickies, you can upload them into your other workouts as well. Keep it interesting and keep your body guessing! And keep me posted.
Hi Lani,
I just discovered your website and LOVE it!!! I have reading like crazy and learning so much! Thank you! 🙂 I also just discovered The Bar Method and need some advice. Since I have not done it before, I was going to get the Beginner’s DVD and also the Dancer’s Body Advanced Workout ( for later ) But I notice you talk about working your way up if you can’t do all the repetitions So now I am thinking maybe I should not get the Beginner’s DVD and put that money toward Super Sculpting l & 2 and just be careful not to overdue in the beginning and work my way up in repetitions. Do you think that is a good idea? Right now I do some kind of aerobic activity 6x a week and light weightlifting 3 x a week. Also, do you have Dancer’s Body Advanced Workout and, if so, how do you like it? Thank you, Lani!
Hey Snowgirl!
First, how did we meet?
Second – I am so glad that you are finding value and enjoying my articles. Which topics do you find yourself enjoying the most?
Third – thanks for telling me!
On the Bar Method. To be honest, my favorites for awhile now are the Super Sculpting. If you saw my video review of Dancer’s Body, I gave lots of details. But it takes a longer time and I just keep finding myself gravitation back to the Super Sculpting. Plus, my favorite BM instructor is Burr. To be honest, I do pinch hit some Fit Quickies during portions or during lag time – I like to keep moving! I also enjoy on occasion going back to Change Your Body and Accelerated workout.
But mostly these days it’s Fit Quickies with some Super Sculpting (especially # 1) thrown in.
With any workout, you can work your way up to repetitions.
Your workout schedule sounds great. Just be sure that the resistance training keeps challenging you by mixing up different exercises, order, pace, amount of resistance, and anything else you can think of. There’s nothing like isolation work to change the shape of your muscles, and when you get the food right you will be astonished at the changes you will see – without, as I say, hunger or working out like a maniac.
Did you download my free fitness kit? Also sign up so you get the newsletter.
Nice to meet you!
Hi Lani,
Thanks so much for responding so quickly. We have not met, but I would love to meet you someday! 🙂 As to what topics I am enjoying…right now I am concentrating on everything you have to say about the Bar Method, but I must admit I become easily distracted because you have so much wonderful information on here. Can’t wait to get to everything else! 🙂
I found your video review on Dancer’s Body…it sounds pretty intense. I think I will start with Designer Sculpting l & ll since I am a newbie to this.
Please let me ask you…if you do the Bar Method 3 to 4x a week, is it suppose to take the place of cardio and /or resistance training? I was still planning on doing cardio and on alternate days do Bar Method. Does that sound like a good game plan or do I still need to do resistance training?
Would you be willing to share what your workout routine is?
Thank you so much for your help and advice. Lani. I really appreciate it!
Lani, I have no cartilage in my left knee and have a stubborn tight IT band in my right. I’m searching for what I can do that won’t cause any more pain, but help me get healthy. I’ve been advised not to do squats since it causes pain in my left knee. Do you have any recommendations for me? Before these things became an issue I had a moderate exercise level. I’m only a few lbs overweight, thankfully, but I know losing them would help the knee.
Yes! Several Fit Quickies that target the glutes and hamstrings can be done in a position that does not weight load the knees. For example, #9, Higher Assets, could actually be replicated to a large degree lying face down on the floor or bench and lifting the leg and foot up in back. #8, Tush Tightener, is done on the back and only loads the knees as much as a yoga bridge would. #1, 7 seconds to a flat belly, #2, Inner Thigh, #3, Triceps Triple Play – all of these are done with no knees loading – also #5, Topless Muffins – the list goes on!
Does this help? Have you gotten a copy of the Fit Quickies book yet?