Honored and privileged to serve you again as Coach for Dr. Neal Barnard and the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) 21- Day Vegan Kickstart, we launch again January 2, 2012 and I’d love to have you along for the ride.
Here’s the page to sign up: PCRM 21-Day Kickstart.
This 3 week program invites you to immerse yourself in 21 days of a whole foods, low fat, plant-based diet. A vegan diet can come in all kinds of flavors yet this one you can confidently put in the healthy column.
Which, if you’ve hung around the plant-strong fitness blog or me for any length of time, you know all about as THE pathway to health, energy, fitness, and weight loss. The delicious, easy way to keep your weight in check. We’ve got the plant-strong recipes to prove it.
Here’s the page to sign up: PCRM 21-Day Kickstart.
There is a 21 – day meal plan and menu, a forum (where you’ll find me), you’ll get daily messages that include celebrity and medical expert advice (again where you’ll find yours truly as Fitness Expert for the McDougall Health and Medical Center), nutrition webcasts, a restaurant guide, and many other plant-based nutrition resources.
Why not make ring-in-the-new year a time to ring-in-your-new-healthier body as well?
Here’s the page to sign up: PCRM 21-Day Kickstart.
And here’s a list of the celebs and meds on board in the driver’s seat:
Dr. Neal Barnard, Brendan Brazier, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Kris Carr, Dr. Hans Diehl, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Rip Esselstyn, Rory Freedman, Kathy Freston, Bob Harper, Marilu Henner, Alexandra Jamieson, Scott Jurek, Dr. John McDougall, Victoria Moran
Dr. Dean Ornish, Daphne Oz, Tal Ronnen, John Salley, Alicia Silverstone, Persia White.
Share the news by clicking on the facebook, twitter, and other links below. Forward this page to a friend. Let’s get the word out!
In the meantime, are you getting all the news that’s healthy, fit, happy and hot each week? Click here to join 1,000′s of others + get your weekly health, body shaping and food advice for free from the Plant-Strong Fitness Expert.

hi Lani, well long time since we have talked grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr my fault I have been way off track and need some help to get back on. As you know I lead a study here on vegan life style eating and our health and weight and of course all going really well but last year a few of my patients were questioning the high carb vegan eating against animal eating with no carbs.So I thought I would test the theory once and for all to prove to them and myself that vegan eating will be easier for weight loss and health.So I began cutting all vegan foods and having meat dairy and vegetables, to my huge surprise I lost weight and my blood profile improved , I thought how can this be? so went back to vegan eating to see what would happen, well the weight came back and so went back to the meat and diary and now Lani I am stuck as I hate eating these foods but it keeps my weight down and I am never hungry, talk about a theory I wish I never tried. So any help or inspiration you can give me would be so much appreciated as I sure don’t want to keep eating animal foods I really want to get back to how I was eating before I started all this, cheers and thanks heaps Anna
Hi Anna,
Thanks for your note. People go plant-based for a variety of reasons that fall into three categories: health, the lot of animals, and the environment. My motivator is all three – and for that, whole food plant-based is a perfect match.
Last picture I saw of you you were quite slender and thrilled with your health profile. Link back to what drew you in the first place, and read back through every email that you sent to me!
When you say ‘vegan foods’, it’s far too general for me to know what someone is talking about. This would take food journal, meal profile analysis, and a look at lipid profiles in all their parameters from a health care provider.
I wish my book were ready to send you today. My aim is to provide people with the tools for change so that it is doable, delectable, and easy to navigate. I provide access to the ‘why’s’ so people can make their own decisions. We must make a choice that is going to be in harmony with our highest ideals. Hopefully this will help you.
All best wishes,