by Lani Muelrath | Apr 18, 2013 | Animals
Have you ever seen a squirrel swing on a hammock, pause and contemplate nature, have breakfast with the Buddha – or on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? Now’s you’re chance This latest production from my favorite videographer – Greg –...
by Lani Muelrath | Apr 8, 2013 | Move Your Body
Two months ago, on February 5, Fit Quickies: 5 Minute Targeted Body Shaping Workouts – – was officially released. And to say THANK you for your enthusiastic support – and that you made Fit Quickies a best-seller at launch – I’ve got a...
by Lani Muelrath | Feb 9, 2013 | Appearances, Media
Fit Quickies #1 Bestseller at Penguin/Alpha Got a message from my publisher. They tell me that Fit Quickies is #1 Best Seller for Penguin/Alpha Books on Amazon and Books -a – Million booksellers this week – not only for new releases, but all...
by Lani Muelrath | Dec 18, 2012 | All Posts, All Setup, Fit Quickies, Move Your Body, Video
We have a winner! The winner of the Fit Quickies Book Trailer Premiere, with four out of four right and luck on the drawing out of the hat is Dr. Connie Sanchez, N.D. 1) Exercises in the video? 4 2) Yeson faceook follow 3) Yes on twitter follow 4) Yes on Pinterest!...
by Lani Muelrath | Dec 14, 2012 | All Posts, All Setup
When I set the intention not long ago to bring the message of healthy, happy and fit forward in a bigger way than ever before, I had no idea it would take the form of a book as it has with the upcoming release of The Book! Fast forward, Fit Quickies: 5 Minute...
by Lani Muelrath | Jun 22, 2012 | Move Your Body
If you live in Arizona, perhaps you got a chance to tune in to the Dr. Don Wagner Medical Hour where I was guest on Wednesday June 20. If not, no worries, the call recording has been archived and you can play it back right here: Sitting Risks and Fit Quickies with...
by Lani Muelrath | Jun 19, 2012 | All Posts, All Setup
Just a few months back I had the pleasure of being guest on the Dr. Don Medical Hour live call-in radio show. I’m happy to announce I’ve been invited back for the hour from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m Pacific on Wednesday June 20. More about the good doc: Dr....
by Lani Muelrath | Apr 19, 2012 | All Posts, All Setup, Move Your Body
I’ve been dying to tell you about this – it’s been so dang busy around here that I haven’t had time to take a minute but enough is enough! A publisher approached me regarding doing a book and, long short, they want the manuscript for Fit...
by Lani Muelrath | Dec 26, 2011 | Mindfulness, Mindset, & Motivation, Move Your Body, Plant-Based Nutrition
It’s perfect! The timing, that is. To create your own healthy, fit, happy and hot ripple effect. Of course, it’s ALWAYS perfect timing when it comes to building and reinforcing healthy habits. Yet somehow coming off of the ‘season of...