Recreating practices of eating, moving, and thinking are the essential elements that recalibrate every part of your being -your body, your mind, and your spirit. Â A resilient mind and body, increased energy levels, and desired weight loss are the result. Life transforming!
See more motivating and heartening client transformations here>>>
The Most Important Tool in My Health and Happiness Toolbox! (video)
This year I was once again honored to be invited to be a guest at The Plant-Based Transformation Summit. In this video, you will be present for my conversation with the creator of the summit, Margot Freitag. Margot asks me all about my book The Mindful...
Naomi’s Plant-Based Transformation: Thirty Pounds Lighter and Free From Worries About Cooking Meat
Naomi's Plant-Based Transformation Naomi Prioleau is a busy, active reporter with the Marshall New Messenger in Marshall, Texas. She is the first to tell you that as a journalist she is on call all the time. And that her work demands lots of available energy. Over the...
From serious health risk to serious health coach – Debby’s down 30 pounds and 4 sizes
Debby is a shining example of courage in the face of extreme health challenges. She exemplifies the power of tenacity, being connected with vision, and doing what it takes - including the often-overlooked important attention to mindset and habit change - when it comes...
How Janice pulled herself ‘out of a hole’, lost 15 pounds, and gained her life back + book giveaway
 Janice, then Janice, now Are these the same person? When Janice sent me these pictures to post side-by-side as we reflected on our three month benchmark of working together in the Fast Start Program, these are the first words that came to mind:  are these the same...
The 2 changes Keturah made to drop 10 lbs in a month: Booty Camp success story
Keturah was in one of my Body Transformation Booty Camps several months back. It sets my boat to floatin' whenever someone writes to me months later, out of the blue, to tell me of their ongoing success. Keturah did just that. I asked her if I could share her letter...
The first reader review of the Fit Quickies book – D’Ann
I know, officially the Fit Quickies book hasn't released yet - that's not until February 5. But my publisher pushed for an early release to meet the demand of the book tour and blog tour. Â And last week's winner of a book giveaway contest, D'Ann - who you already met...
Karen’s story: down 20 pounds, 2 sizes, up in hope and enthusiasm
  Karen, 9-22-2012 Karen, 11-5-2012 Karen, 12-31-2012 I want to share Karen's story with you today because you may be one of those people, like Karen, who had lost hope and was frustrated with her attempts at weight loss, getting fit, and having a body that just...
Have you heard about Julianne’s Fit Quickie adventures?
Sometimes an email comes in that I just can't wait to share with you. Â Such is the case with the message I've just received from Julianne, which I am calling Julianne's Fit Quickie adventures. Â Actually, you might call Julianne a fellow plant-based adventuress. I...
How Nancy lost 1.5 lbs in the first week of Body Transformation Booty Camp
Wanted to share this with you! Nancy just posted this in the "Locker Room" of Body Transformation Booty Camp this morning. Locker Room is our affectionate name for the online connecting point with forums, instructional guides, workout and dietary plans, and the whole...
Overcoming rheumatoid arthritis with diet: Phyllis Heaphy’s story
Sure, we all want to look good.  Yet when you've experienced debilitating, life-changing pain that hijacks your attention, finding relief from that pain becomes paramount. This is what happened to Phyllis. At the relatively young age of 46, she was becoming...
How Lillian lost 7 pounds with the power of Vision
Can you envision your body ideal? Your deepest dreams and aspirations for success of your health, your fitness...your life? Being able to do so has a powerful impact on your success. More than powerful. Amazingly, it opens up doors to opportunity that we may not even...
Jennifer’s journey: confidence, clarity, inch loss and energy
Clarity, confidence, energy and inch loss - THIS is the stuff of which fitness dreams are made. Hallmarks of living your body ideal. When I asked Jennifer if I could share her letter with you, she quickly yet humbly replied "Yes!" Hi Lani, This morning my husband...
Finally losing weight and inches like crazy: Success notes from Patsy
The title says it all and Patsy's letter speaks for itself. Following years of frustration and struggle, Patsy implemented a few simple strategies and now she's finally dropping weight and inches - and needing less sleep, too, giving her more precious time for her...
Vicki’s new attitude. Oh, and she’s down 20 lbs
I heard from Vicki this morning. She made my day. And I'll tell you why. Yes, she's down 20 lbs since a year ago when she signed on with the Woman's Fitness BluePrint Coaching Program. And even more - better yet - her inner shift that made it possible is in full...
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