Speaking at events, on radio, and television is an exciting way to spread the word about all the joys and benefits of the plant-based lifestyle to more and more people. Maybe this year you and I will meet at one of these events! If so, please introduce yourself!
Creating Your Best Life Retreat with Lani Muelrath at Stanford Inn
Creating Your Best LIfe Retreat 2018 with Lani Muelrath and Joan Stanford Stanford Inn, Mendocino, California, Sept 28 - Oct. 1, 2018 To save your spot, click here Join author, meditation instructor, and mindfulness trainer (among other things!) Lani Muelrath and...
Our Hen House Podcast #425: The Mindful Vegan and Lani Muelrath
This week I had the honor and privilege of being guest on Our Hen House podcast. This extraordinary, internationally renowned podcast hosted by Jasmin Singer and Mariann Sullivan. Click here to jump right to the full podcast on Our Hen House, which opens with...
NPR Interviews Lani Muelrath: The Mindful Vegan Book
In this interview for North State Public Radio, Nancy Wiegman of the popular show Nancy's Bookshelf interviews yours truly about my book The Mindful Vegan: A 30-Day Plan for Finding Health, Balance, Peace, and Happiness. I snapped the photo (left) just...
How to Cut Through Cravings and End Stress Eating With Mindfulness from Vegetarian Summerfest
Snapshots from Summerfest! (click to enlarge) Double trouble - with Dr. Michael Greger At the author's signing table in the bookstore! With Fran Costigan, Miyoko Schinner, and Jill Nussinow Lucky me - Victoria Moran and I planned a special session to present...
How to Make Italian Pasta with Miyoko Schinner and Lani Muelrath (video!)
Every time I have the deliciously fun opportunity to shadow Miyoko Schinner in her kitchen, I learn so much! This week I was her guest on Miyoko's Kitchen facebook LIVE where I learned how to make orecchiette pasta, talk about The Plant-Based Journey, mindful living,...
Dr. Neal Barnard Was My Uber Driver (video!)
"Rock star!" In the vegan and plant-based world, this is what immediately comes to mind when you think of Dr. Neal Barnard. What may be news to you is that "rock star" - when it comes to Neal Barnard - has double meaning. Dr. Barnard generously gave me a lift from...
The Plant-Based Fight Song (video!)
Fresh to you from its premiere at the Plant-Based Nutrition Support Group (PBNSG) presentation in Detroit, Michigan - to you! Never afraid to make a bit of a fool of myself to advance the cause! I never knew Michigan could be so much fun. I was so glad to meet many...
Healthfest 2016 Scrapbook (videos!)
Just back from Healthfest 2016 in Marshall, Texas. While I have one foot out the door for another speaking engagement, I can't let another minute go by without reporting in to you about Healthfest with a few snapshots. Then I'm on the way today to Sacramento to speak...
The Five Universal Steps of Transition to a Sustainable Plant-Based Diet with Lani Muelrath: Video!
In this twenty-eight minute video, discover a quick, crisp overview of the five universal steps of transition to a sustainable plant-based diet as presenting in The Plant-Based Journey.
How Not to Die and The Plant-Based Journey with Michael Greger, M.D. and Lani Muelrath on CBS TV
This time on CBS TV Good Day Sacramento I brought Dr. Michael Greger and his new book How Not to Die in with me. Enjoy this four minute segment, in which we feature Greger’s “Daily Dozen” featured in recipes direct from The Plant-Based Journey!
Habits, Sugar, and The Plant-Based Journey on Simple Daily Recipes TV
Habits, Sugar, and The Plant-Based Journey Program Notes
In this energetically fun and informative show, I am the honored guest of the effervescent Jill McKeever of Simple Daily Recipes. We talk about sugar, habit change, and Jill points out her favorite things about The Plant-Based Journey
Meaty Plant-Based Bites: Savory Vegan Eats with Lani Muelrath CBS TV
When people are shifting to a plant-based diet, going vegan, or simply wanting to eat less animal products and more plant foods, sometimes the question comes up:
“Is there a way to recreate the flavors and textures of meat without using animal products?”
The answer is YES, and that’s what today’s segment is all about.
Plant-Based Party Snack Ideas with Lani Muelrath on CBS TV (video!)
This week I was back on the set at CBS TV to show multiple examples of plant-based party snacks so you can lighten up the holiday parties with plant-based hors d'oeuvres. Double click on the video to enjoy this four minute presentation including taste tests and...
Forks Over Knives Features The Plant-Based Journey Basic Veggie Burger Template
Forks Over Knives Features The Plant-Based Journey with the Basic Veggie Burger Template Forks Over Knives, the movie, is indexed no less than four times in The Plant-Based Journey. Which makes perfect sense. As Journey is a guidebook for transition to a plant-based...
Whole Foods Plant-Based Holiday Eats with Lani Muelrath on CBS TV (video!)
This week I was invited back to CBS TV to share the secrets of replacing processed holiday treats with whole food plant-based foods. Double click on the video to enjoy this five minute presentation including taste tests and recipes from The Plant-Based Journey....
From Junk Food to Whole Food: Video
From Junk Food to Whole Food When Charlie Fields, noted veg chef (among his many talents!) told me he was thinking about starting a new video series from his San Francisco location, I said to him to just - well, do it! There will never be a "perfect time" for new...
The Plant-Based Journey Featured in VegNews Magazine Best Books
The Plant-Based Journey - VegNews Magazine Best Books A feature in VegNews is a dream come true for me, and marks an important rite of passage in Journey's journey. In the November/December issue of VegNews, you'll find The Plant-Based Journey featured in the Top...
Chef AJ Teleclass With Lani Muelrath and The Plant-Based Journey
"Hi Lani, I listened to your telecast interview with Chef Aj this morning. You sound so upbeat and happy, and not judgemental but helpful on the path that we all take once we make the decision to change our lives. Your message about the several steps would have helped...
The Plant-Based Journey on NPR
"The entire program was outstanding!" ~ Victor Werlhof "This was wonderful Lani." ~ Bette Statham "I didn't want the program to end!" ~ Mark Fontana In this thirty minute interview of yours truly and The Plant-Based Journey with NPR's NancyWiegman, host of Nancy's...
Lani Muelrath on CBS TV: Five Fast Ways To Plantify Your Plate (video!)
In this five minute segment, filmed live during CBS TV Good Day Sacramento earlier this week, I demonstrate five superfast ways to plantify your plate. Double click on the video image below to watch this five minute segment. Five Fast Ways to Plantify Your Plate No...
How Important Is Mindset On The Plant-Based Journey? Plant Yourself Podcast
The past week has been a dizzying blend of radio appearances, interviews, and preparing for an appearance this week on a large CBS-TV station morning show later this week - Good Day Sacramento. More about that soon. I've also been busy signing copies of The...
How To Amp Down Your Fat Genes With Plant-Based Nutrition
Find out why a genetic predisposition to easily gain weight is not your destiny and how plant-based nutrition amps down your fat genes.
5 reasons to get yourself to the next Healthfest
When five-term mayor of Marshall, Texas, Ed Smith, received a diagnosis of prostate cancer in 2008, he decided to treat it with aggressive dietary changes under a doctor’s supervision. Mayor Smith began eating only whole grains, vegetables and legume, nuts, and...
Plant Yourself podcasts: High octane fuel for the plant-based journey
One of the best ways to advance your mission to becoming the healthiest, happiest person you can be is to assemble support. Whether to get you moving your body, keep you eating better, make you more comfortable and skilled at eating whole foods plant based -...