Lani Blog Article Archives

Looking for a specific post? You’ve come to the right place. Browse the archives bytopic, or use the search box in the sidebar. Alphabetical By Category Below are the key categories from the article archives. Below each description is a list of key posts from...

How to get started with a plant-based diet

You’ve read the books, you know the skinny and scoop on the benefits of a plant-based diet, and you’re totally inspired to go for it, jump your health and energy, and dump the extra weight. And now you need to know, simply, what to eat.  And more often...

Fastest flippin’ hummus in the west

As hummus is the new mayo, a girl who wants her sammy NOW shouldn’t be without it primed and ready to go on the refrigerator shelf. But sometimes it happens.  To the best of us.  Like today. Not easily daunted by this obstacle between me and my oil-free sandwich...

Body Transformation Booty Camp Dietary Guidelines

Body Transformation Booty Camp with Lani Muelrath, M.A. For optimum weight loss and body shaping If you want to shape muscle, you will need to exercise and overload the muscle to make more of it. However, if you want the muscle to show, you need to lose body fat,  and...

When friends ask: Where do you get your protein?

When Friends Ask: Where Do You Get Your Protein? by John McDougall, M.D. If you don’t know where you get your protein while following a plant-food-based diet, you’re in good company. The Nutrition Committee of the American Heart Association, scientists from the Human...

The 5 food colors

It’s no secret that smack dab at the heart of my stay-trim-and-energized strategy is to pile the veggies on my plant-strong plate.   I am always flabbergasted when a woman tells me that she struggles with getting in 2 or 3 servings of plant foods a day.   I am...

The ‘gusto brekkie’ breakfast

In my fitness coaching programs, sooner or later the conversation always gets around to breakfast.  What is it, when is it, how important is it? As a matter of fact, because of the value of breakfast, aka  a ‘gusto brekkie’, I always either structure it...

Val’s body and energy makeover

You can hear the excitement in Val’s voice and no wonder. Val has done not only a clear job of succeeding with simple, easy tools yet has also tracked her progress for an amazing snapshot of success. If you are looking for heightened energy, a more resilient and...

McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Plan

As  Plant-Based Fitness Advisor for the McDougall Health and Medical Center Discussion Boards, I have the honor and privilege of reaching thousands of people who are looking for a health-supportive, body-friendly, easily successful food plan that delivers every time...

(Food) Diary of a (Totally Sane) Fit Coach

Right on the heels of last week’s Diary of A Mini-Fast I got buckets of emails asking for play-by-play of a day of eating! Happy to comply.  Here are the last 2 days: Saturday Brekkie: cranberry walnut bread w/ peanut butter and strawberry preserves coffee bowl...

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