Plant-Based Journey
Is There A Plant-Based Doctor Near You? A Plant-Based Health Provider Directory
My New Plant-Based Doctor. Plus A Nice Surprise.Yesterday, I got a new doctor. To my great good fortune, I was able to come on board with a plant-based doctor couple, Dr. Randal Sloop and Dr. Christine Sloop, in Chico, California.And to my great delight,...
NPR Special Program With Dr. Michael Greger and Lani Muelrath
This just aired on NPR and now archived for your listening pleasure!NPR Special Program With Dr. Michael Greger and Lani MuelrathThe Back StoryNot long ago the host of a popular local North State Public Radio program, Nancy Weigman, reached out to me and...
The Day The Blue Zones Met The Mindful Vegan: Does Diet Affect Your Happiness?
The Day The Blue Zones Called Imagine my delight when the managing editor at Blue Zones central reached out to me regarding The Mindful Vegan. They had fallen in love with the book, and were particularly interested in sharing an excerpt from Day Seventeen in The...
Top 40 Vegan Books for 2017
I don't know about you, but I always enjoy diving into "best books" lists to see if I can spot an old favorite. Or find a new one. And when I discover that a book authored by yours truly is on the list, well, how fun is that? And in this case, the treat is...
Top Five Tips for Success on Transition to Plant-Based, Vegan Living
Livekindly recently contacted me for an interview about successfully transitioning to plant-based, healthy vegan nutrition. I like the questions Emily Dreeling asked,and the way the article came together, integrating the topics of The Plant-Based Journey...
The Day Whole Foods Market Met The Plant-Based Journey
Imagine my delight when the team working on John Mackey's new book The Whole Foods Diet: The Lifesaving Plan for Health and Longevity contacted me, eager for a meeting to discuss including references to The Plant-Based Journey in the book. Here is the message I...
Six Tips for Being Happier and Healthier – Here and Now
This week, I am honored to have authored the featured article on the T. Colin Campbell Nutrition Studies. Titled The Mindful Vegan: Happy. Healthy. Here and Now, here is the opening of the article - and here is the link to read the entire piece. Not long ago, I sat...
How to Make Italian Pasta with Miyoko Schinner and Lani Muelrath (video!)
Every time I have the deliciously fun opportunity to shadow Miyoko Schinner in her kitchen, I learn so much! This week I was her guest on Miyoko's Kitchen facebook LIVE where I learned how to make orecchiette pasta, talk about The Plant-Based Journey, mindful living,...
Dr. Neal Barnard Was My Uber Driver (video!)
"Rock star!" In the vegan and plant-based world, this is what immediately comes to mind when you think of Dr. Neal Barnard. What may be news to you is that "rock star" - when it comes to Neal Barnard - has double meaning. Dr. Barnard generously gave me a lift from...
Can You Eat Whole Foods Vegan While Traveling in Indonesia? Trip Report (video!)
We've just returned from three weeks of adventure on a Biodiversity Expedition in Indonesia. Here in Greg's latest video release, a peek at our adventure. Watch as we dive alongside manta rays, sea turtles, and yes, even sea snakes!. Along the way we enjoyed lots of...
The Plant-Based Fight Song (video!)
Fresh to you from its premiere at the Plant-Based Nutrition Support Group (PBNSG) presentation in Detroit, Michigan - to you! Never afraid to make a bit of a fool of myself to advance the cause! I never knew Michigan could be so much fun. I was so glad to meet many...
Healthfest 2016 Scrapbook (videos!)
Just back from Healthfest 2016 in Marshall, Texas. While I have one foot out the door for another speaking engagement, I can't let another minute go by without reporting in to you about Healthfest with a few snapshots. Then I'm on the way today to Sacramento to speak...
The Five Universal Steps of Transition to a Sustainable Plant-Based Diet with Lani Muelrath: Video!
In this twenty-eight minute video, discover a quick, crisp overview of the five universal steps of transition to a sustainable plant-based diet as presenting in The Plant-Based Journey.
Cosmetic Procedures: Does Getting Tossed by a Warthog Count?
“Have you had work done?” As I approach “when I’m 64”, I find this question is being asked of me more and more at my presentations. My response?
Habits, Sugar, and The Plant-Based Journey on Simple Daily Recipes TV
Habits, Sugar, and The Plant-Based Journey Program Notes
In this energetically fun and informative show, I am the honored guest of the effervescent Jill McKeever of Simple Daily Recipes. We talk about sugar, habit change, and Jill points out her favorite things about The Plant-Based Journey
Now Dietitian Recommended: The Plant-Based Journey Book
I am excited to announce that The Plant-Based Journey has now been dietitian recommended as the guide to transition to a plant-based diet!
Timaree Hagenburger, R.D., is another in a growing number of health care providers and educators endorsing and recommending The Plant-Based Journey to their clients and students as guide to successful adoption of a plant-based diet.
Meaty Plant-Based Bites: Savory Vegan Eats with Lani Muelrath CBS TV
When people are shifting to a plant-based diet, going vegan, or simply wanting to eat less animal products and more plant foods, sometimes the question comes up:
“Is there a way to recreate the flavors and textures of meat without using animal products?”
The answer is YES, and that’s what today’s segment is all about.
Is a Mindfulness Meditation Practice on Your New Year’s List?
As we take stock of the past year and look forward to the next, the possibilities can seem endless for becoming the best, healthiest, happiest, and most authentic person we can be. If you aren’t already engaging in one, have you considered a mindfulness meditation practice as being that which will make a big difference for you in the new year?
Now Doctor Recommended for Your Health: The Plant-Based Journey Book
Now Doctor Recommended for Your Health: The Plant-Based Journey Book! We know that a plant-based diet has been increasing extolled by doctors and the medical community as the diet for optimal health: I am excited to announce that The Plant-Based Journey is now...
Plant-Based Party Snack Ideas with Lani Muelrath on CBS TV (video!)
This week I was back on the set at CBS TV to show multiple examples of plant-based party snacks so you can lighten up the holiday parties with plant-based hors d'oeuvres. Double click on the video to enjoy this four minute presentation including taste tests and...
Portobello Pot Roast Recipe from The Plant-Based Journey
Portobello Pot Roast Recipe from The Plant-Based Journey Portobello Pot Roast from The Plant-Based Journey has been such a runaway hit that we've decided to publish the entire recipe here for everyone to enjoy. Just a glimpse of all the goodies you can expect with...
A Vegan Potluck Thanksgiving with the famous UnTurkey by Miyoko (videos!)
A Vegan Potluck Thanksgiving This year Thanksgiving presented an extra special event for us. Disappointed that Farm Sanctuary was not holding the annual Celebration for the Turkeys at the local Farm Sanctuary as in years past - truly, a highlight of our year - imagine...
Recipe Photos from The Plant-Based Journey
Recipe Photos from The Plant-Based Journey If I had a wish list... ...for The Plant-Based Journey, it would be that she (1) go into second printing quite quickly, (2) be reviewed by a major publication such as VegNews, and (3) that she have marvelous photos of the...
Whole Foods Plant-Based Holiday Eats with Lani Muelrath on CBS TV (video!)
This week I was invited back to CBS TV to share the secrets of replacing processed holiday treats with whole food plant-based foods. Double click on the video to enjoy this five minute presentation including taste tests and recipes from The Plant-Based Journey....