The truth about weight loss that lasts, your relationship with food eating and your body, dreaming big, and breaking the number one rule of marketing

The truth about weight loss that lasts, your relationship with food eating and your body, dreaming big, and breaking the number one rule of marketing

What I’m about to tell you breaks the number one rule of marketing. In case you haven’t heard it, the number one  rule of marketing is this: Don’t tell people what they need to hear. Tell them what they want to hear. In all the marketing courses of...

How to get started with a plant-based diet

You’ve read the books, you know the skinny and scoop on the benefits of a plant-based diet, and you’re totally inspired to go for it, jump your health and energy, and dump the extra weight. And now you need to know, simply, what to eat.  And more often...

The 5 food colors

It’s no secret that smack dab at the heart of my stay-trim-and-energized strategy is to pile the veggies on my plant-strong plate.   I am always flabbergasted when a woman tells me that she struggles with getting in 2 or 3 servings of plant foods a day.   I am...

McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Plan

As  Plant-Based Fitness Advisor for the McDougall Health and Medical Center Discussion Boards, I have the honor and privilege of reaching thousands of people who are looking for a health-supportive, body-friendly, easily successful food plan that delivers every time...

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