You can hear the excitement in Val’s voice and no wonder.
Val has done not only a clear job of succeeding with simple, easy tools yet has also tracked her progress for an amazing snapshot of success.
If you are looking for heightened energy, a more resilient and shapely body, and simple systems to get them, then what Val has to say will really hit home.
I’ll let her tell her body and energy makeover story herself.
Hi Lani and Everyone,
Very exciting changes have taken place these few short weeks that I’m excited to talk about. The shifts have been nothing short of amazing and…well, here are the details. You are more than welcome to share.
My success and progress toward my goals since I started working with Lani’s coaching has been solid, steady, and very exciting!
The Stats
I have now:
- lost an entire size (from tight 10/12 to lose 8/10)
- dropped 6 lbs and over 10 inches (in key spots alone: waist, abs, hips)
- reduced 4 inches (yes!) in my waist alone!
- shaved 3 inches off my abs
- tightened up 3 inches off my hips.
The ExcitementFeeling more comfortable in my clothes was a big initial goal – and I’m thrilled that those changes are really happening. I can now wear some shirts tucked in with belts. Muffin top not as noticeable. T-shirts a nicer fit. Some pants/jeans are even baggy.
The Difference
The consistency and accountability factor have played such an important role in my success.
I love that my energy is much more even.
I used to notice drastic energy drops and dragging myself around. Not anymore.
With the tools that Lani has coached me to put in place, my energy is far more even, constant, and reliable. Sometimes at night now, I still have energy to do things. Amazing!
I love what Lani’s dietary guidelines have done for my hunger satisfaction. I am hungry when I wake up in the morning and eat my fill of whole grains, nuts, and fruit. After that, I’m never really famished.
Sometimes, I go through lunch time without eating. I just forget. Whodathunk???! Me? Forget to eat?
Before, my diet was already pretty good, but I was lacking in some things that Lani pointed out. Implementing her guidelines has made a huge difference in keeping my blood sugar/energy levels stable and even.
Decidedly Dramatic Improvements
1) Superb 3 day exercise option rotation – I’m really getting into the groove of the 3 day exercise option rotation that Lani designed for me. starting to get into the groove of this. My brain and body loves this schedule. I’m looking forward to diversifying. And I love the Fit Quickies™.2) Skin improvements – I have battled extremely dry, flaky skin on my legs for several years now. That has cleared up! The only thing I’ve been doing different is daily adding beans and whole grains to my meals.
3) Renewed joys: Ballroom & Nightclub Dancing! Tighter core and buns means better balance, and more confidence in my ability to execute spins and turns. This has added a new level of pleasure and fun to the dancing experience.
~ Val Durack, Urbana,
P.S. A friend told me this week that I look better now than I did 10 years ago – more fit and toned. yeah! I can’t wait to see what the next weeks bring!
Notes Of Observation from Lani:
First, big hugs and hearty congratulations to Val – as well as a huge THANK you for putting your facts and observations together, sharing them with others – and for showing us what is absolutely possible with a few simple tools – and implementing them. Fine work and what an inspiration!
Val is one of those women who listened when I said your dietary plan DOES make a difference. And here are some simple changes to make that will allow you to eat to satisfaction, enjoy everything you eat, and lose excess weight at the same time.
She’s one of those women who listened when I said that you don’t need to knock yourself out with extensive workouts or fancy formulas, but you DO need to:
1) challenge the muscles most often neglected, a few times each week
2) move pretty much every day
3) pay attention to motivation and mindset…and practice the value of addressing what’s going on on the inside to move your success to a new level, and that includes utilizing mentorship, teamwork, and coaching support.