CHIP program launch – on fire with Fit Quickies

CHIP program launch – on fire with Fit Quickies

Last night the CHIP program officially got underway in Paradise, California. And as a launch surprise to everyone, the director of the CHIP program had purchased a copy of Fit Quickies:  5 Minute Targeted Body Shaping Workouts  for every participant!  Needless to say...

September 21 – 22, 2013: Portland VegFest 2013

Presenter:  Lani Muelrath will be presenting at the 2013 Portland VegFest, sponsored by the Northwest Veg Society, September 21 – 22, 2013.   Registration click here:  Portland VegFest 2013 ___________________________________________________________________...

Time to say good-bye

When I set the intention not long ago to bring the message of healthy, happy and fit forward in a bigger way than ever before,  I had no idea it would take the form of a book as it has with the upcoming release of The Book!  Fast forward, Fit Quickies:  5 Minute...

Exciting news! The Book

I’ve been dying to tell you about this – it’s been so dang busy around here that I haven’t had time to take a minute but enough is enough! A publisher approached me regarding doing a book and, long short, they want the manuscript for Fit...

How do you likey? New theme feedback!

Yes, she’s here kids! A  new look for Now, you’ve gotta tell me what YOU think. And let me know if everything is working from your end, OK? Can you navigate OK? Find what you need? I promise to do your workout for you today when you leave...

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